A Quick Guide to Before and After Photos

Before and after photos are a doctor’s resume and the true testament of your work. Having eye-catching before and after photos that effectively showcase your work is essential for bringing in new patients. Here are five tips and tricks to follow when taking before and after photos for your practice for amazing results.

1. High-Resolution Photos

If you plan to use before and after photos as a focal point in your marketing campaign, you might want to invest in a good camera that has a least 1080p resolution. Look for a DSLR camera (digital single-lens reflex camera) that will be easy to use and give you high-quality photos. Some affordable, quality options include the Nikon D3300 or Canon Rebel T6S.

2. Use One Location

Consistency is key because you and your patients want an accurate depiction of patient results. Pick a spot in your office and take a few test shots to ensure there is good lighting and a background that isn’t too distracting. Once you have your spot, you can mark the floor with tape so that both your camera and patients will be positioned in the same spots for every before and after.

3. Proper Lighting

Good lighting is a balance. If there is too much light (like in front of a window), your subject might appear washed out. This can make the beautiful results you are trying to highlight almost as difficult to see as if your subject were standing in a shadowy corner. Be sure to pick an area with optimal lighting that shows off your results in a flattering way.

4. Consistent Angle

This is another aspect of consistency that will make your website appealing to look at and best show off your results. In both the before and after photos, have your patient turn 360 degrees so that you have options and can show your results from all angles. Match up the images so that the angles in your before and after are as close to identical as possible.

5. Edit Distracting Features

Before posting your images, edit out all the unnecessary components of the image. This does not include scars or anything related to the surgery and results. Editing scars, marks, redness, or any other side effects creates unrealistic expectations and can lead to trouble. The unnecessary components we are talking about are IVs that might pull the viewer’s attention from the results you are trying to show off. You should also consider editing out tattoos and blocking out the eyes, when possible, to protect patient identity.

How to Use Before and After Photos in Your Marketing Strategy

Before and after photos are a representation of your work and your brand so you want to make sure you are sharing them as much as possible. Before and after photos can be shown on your website, shared on social media, and included in promotional content such as email newsletters.

Let’s Chat

The marketing team at Digital Limelight Media has extensive experience with each of these platforms and knows the importance of self-promotion. To learn more marketing techniques and how you can build your brand, check out our many services online or give our office a call at 616-222-3735.