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Why Before and After Photos are Important for Your Practice
In medical environments, photographs are an invaluable method used for documentation and visual tracking in consultation. Photos can also enrichen words and text on your website and through advertising, and medical professionals can often benefit from visual aids to help patients obtain a realistic idea of what treatments can achieve. However, most importantly, before and after photos help to attract new patients and better convert them. Read on to learn more about the ways before and after photos can benefit your practice.
Attract and Keep New Patients
Having quality before and after photos can be a way to draw in potential patients. You will want to be sure to take photos in the same place with the same background so they are uniform and ensure that you have good lighting that will not wash out the results. After all, people’s visual senses are the most active, and our brains are wired to react to bright colors. This is why quality, eye-catching photos can set you apart from the competition.
Patient Education
Before and after photos are a great way to educate your patients regarding what to expect with different procedures. With a photo, you can point out what part of the body will be worked on and describe the differences between the before and after photos to best educate your patients.
Understanding Anatomy
Showing patients before and after photos of previous procedures is a great way to explain how the procedure of their choice will change their anatomy. By having a visual to use, it can be easier to explain what they should expect and how the body will be altered.
Keeping Track of Progress
Before and after photos are a great way for you to assess your own work and keep track of the procedures you have performed. It is also a great way to track your progress. The ability to look back on procedures you performed years ago compared to today is a great way to measure your improvement in skill and technique.
Evidence for Insurance Claims
Because most insurance claims will only cover procedures that are deemed medically necessary, before and after photos may act as visual evidence to process a patient’s claim. This is just another example of how before and after photos can be helpful.
Reach Out Today
At DLM, our teams of skilled team of graphic designers, content writers, and account specialists will work with you to help you achieve your unique advertising goals. Give us a call today or schedule a 15-minute demo online to get started.
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