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How We Manage Your PPC Campaigns
When most people think of paid advertising they think of Google AdWords. However, paid advertising covers a wide spectrum of digital advertising platforms in which medical practices can advertise their brand, but only pay when clicked. These mediums range from Google AdWords, re-targeting, social media advertising, and video ads on YouTube. Our process can be broken down into the following:
What Are the Different Types of Paid Advertising?
At their core, paid advertising platforms utilize similar models of targeted keywords, demographics, and internet use history to deliver your ads to the most highly qualified users. However, each platform or type of ad has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your growth plan and budget.
Google AdWords
These are the typical ads you see in the Google search results at the top of every page. This is what most people think paid advertising is, which to some extent it is the most widely utilized, but it is just one of several mediums.
We highly recommend setting up Google pay-per-click campaigns for branded keywords as well as procedures that you really want to focus on. You can get as aggressive as you want with your budget to out-sell your competitors so that you show up for terms that might be branded toward their specific offerings.
Google Display Ads
This medium of paid advertising is underutilized. The average cost-per-click for clients with Google display advertising is less than a dollar. These ads are visual creations in the form of boxes and banners that display on websites that pertain to your target market.
For example, if you’re a plastic surgeon, you can target sites like RealSelf or even ASPS if they allow access to the Google Display Network. Our team can design the ads and help you strategize and analyze their performance.
Retargeting Ads
If somebody visits your website, stays a while, but then leaves, how do you re-engage with them? This is where retargeting ads come in. If somebody does not fill out a contact form or take other actions on your website, we can target that person specifically to show them banner ads across multiple websites online. These are typically low cost-per-click and the conversion on these are usually high, since your practice is already recognizable.
YouTube Ads
YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine, immediately behind Google. This means getting involved in this medium with even just a few video ads can a long way. Again, we can target specific channels and types of videos that are relative to your target market and location. We strongly recommend getting into this form of paid advertising as it’s been increasingly delivering strong results for our clients.
Social Media Ads
Social media ads may or may not be effective for your specific goals depending on your brand strength and types of services you want to advertise. If you are trying to market non-surgical procedures, social media can be a good way to introduce people to new procedures or treatments.
However, if you want to advertise surgical treatments, we usually recommend one or more of the above-mentioned platforms. The leads from social media platforms tend to be a little less qualified than those from other sources. However, if you’ve got an existing social media presence and want to grow your audience, promoted posts and paid ads on Facebook and Instagram may be a way to help you attract new potential patients.
How Do I Track My Paid Ads ROI?
When you choose DLM to help you set up your pay-per-click campaigns, we can integrate your leads directly with your EMR system, allowing you to know will be able to show you exactly how many patients came from each specific paid advertising campaign and how much money they spent.
The advantage of having that type of data is critical. When we see certain platforms outperforming expectations, we can easily justify a bump in ad spend. At the same time, under-performing campaigns are easily spotted to redirect those dollars elsewhere. Simply putting money into paid advertising might be effective, but paying attention to what’s actually working is much more efficient.

Pay-Per-Click Marketing for Medical Practices
Whether you’re a new site needing to gain awareness or an established practice trying to increase appointments for specific procedures, paid advertising gives you great flexibility and customization to attract new patients to your site and convert them into paying customers. To learn more about how to get started with DLM’s targeted medical marketing tools, call our team or contact us online today.
Do I Need Paid Advertising?
Most successful practices invest in both organic SEO and paid advertising. Although not every click will result in new revenue at your practice, the results do tend to support a high ROI. Some estimates by Google report that paid ad campaigns generate twice as much revenue as the amount invested, making it a quickly scalable source of income and new patients. Plus, the targeted keywords and demographics can be changed instantly whenever you want to adapt your strategy.
If you are a brand-new practice with little authority or age on your domain name, paid advertising is almost essential. It takes time to start to show up in search results, especially in the top three spots through organic SEO. Paid advertising allows you to skip to the top for search terms you want to invest in. Regardless of outcome, paid advertising puts your practice name and services in front of new eyeballs who would have never heard of you otherwise.
If you are an established practice, there are many forms of paid advertising that can help you get more exposure and ultimately more traffic and leads through your website. We typically recommend doing Google paid ads, retargeting ads, and video ads on YouTube for established practices. These mediums reach dozens of audiences at various stages of making a decision about a medical procedure or their healthcare.

Increase awareness with ease
PPC can bring people to your site who are ready to learn more.
All to help your practice grow.
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The Ultimate Guide to Paid Advertising for Healthcare Practices
The most successful practices utilize both search engine optimization (SEO) and paid ads to advertise. Whether you are a brand-new practice with no web…
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