Social Media

How To Use Instagram For Marketing

Although Instagram is not the most popular social media tool being used today in marketing, it is definitely on the rise. With over 400 million posts a day, this platform is absolutely growing. With Instagram providing you with another outlet to market your company, it is important that you learn the ins and outs of this platform. Here are some tips on how to best use Instagram as a marketing tool.
Determine Goals
First you will want to determine your goals for using Instagram. Is your strategy for brand awareness? What do you want to showcase to your customers? Maybe you want to show success stories or products. Or maybe you just want to gain as many followers as you can and then come up with a strategy. It may be a good idea to simplify your goals, for example, “gain X amount of followers this week.”
Determine Guidelines
If your company follows a visual style guide that sticks to certain fonts, colors etc., make sure you are following that guide when posting. It is also important that you use high-quality photos and stock photos. Following the rule of thirds is also a must. This rule states that an image is the most pleasing to the eye when divided into thirds, creating a sense of balance to the photo.
Plan a Schedule
Schedule out when you will post on your Instagram- the time of day and how many days a week. You may have to experiment at first to determine which time of the day gets the most views or likes. One you have found what the ideal time of day is to post, stick to that schedule.
Make sure to use a recognizable username, since this is what people will search to find you. Try to gain as many followers as possible by making sure your account is public. Also, in the name section in settings, be sure to add your full business name, since this will appear under your handle in search. Lastly, Add a link to your website in your bio to make for easy access to your site.
If you follow these steps, you can be sure to meet your marketing goals using Instagram!
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