Social Media

Top 5 Common Facebook page Mistakes

Source of the Problem:
At this point, just about everyone is well versed with Facebook. No matter what part of the country you live in, you would be hard pressed to find someone that didn’t know how to post, share, like, comment, or any other of the other hundreds of things you can do on Facebook now.
If we take a step back and think about it, just because you know how to drive… doesn’t mean you are Ricky Bobby (Will Ferrell’s character in Talladega Nights) tearing up the tracks at Talladega. I mean sure, both I and Ricky Bobby like to go fast, but knowing how to do something and doing it well are two very different things.
The same goes for Facebook pages. Just because your practice has a page, doesn’t mean you’re managing it right. Somewhere along the line, practices began confusing the ability to operate the company page with the ability to operate the page effectively.
Even with 12 years of Facebook behind us, it’s amazing the number of social oversights and slip-ups that occur every day. While this is truly hilarious when our friends auto-correct to a word they didn’t intend, these little mistakes could be the small differences that have major impact on your bottom line.
Below are the top 5 mistakes businesses make on their Facebook page.
1.) Unoriginal
While you don’t need to reinvent the wheel, don’t try so hard to follow everyone else in your industry. Your patients liked your page because they like your practice. Let them hear from you, instead of re-posting every industry blog that comes out.
2.) Too Much Content
No one wants to read a novel on Facebook. With the introduction of short form social platforms like Snapchat and Vine, people have developed an insatiable appetite for snack-sized content. Let’s be honest, we all have that friend that goes on and on about every little detail that happened to them on the way to the mailbox. I mean, how can a trip to the mailbox be so riveting that you just had to share?
3.) No Customer Interaction
Posts on Facebook should open up the floor for open dialogue, not just a one-way broadcast. Facebook is a modern marketing machine that runs best on quality content that is designed to feel more like an authentic exchange and less like a static offering. After all, Facebook is a SOCIAL network. Facebook marketing gives businesses the ability to create a page that allows each company to speak to speak directly to their customers.
4.) Inconsistent Branding
A strong consistent brand image is one of the most substantial competitive advantages. Creating such a brand takes years to build and is what sets you apart, make sure your Facebook page builds on your brand. Far too often that clever joke the intern thought was funny damages the years of work that went into building reputation.
5.) Ignoring Complaints
According to ClickSoftware, 13% of dissatisfied customers will tell more than 20 other people about their negative experience. Which means the ostrich approach isn’t an option. Sticking your head in the sand and ignoring a complaint won’t make it go away. Instead, view complaints on your Facebook page as a way to improve your service. Respond to complaints and face the issue head on. Social networks allow the world to watch as you resolve your differences.
Facebook doesn’t forget:
What happened yesterday is in the past… but could very possibly live on forever on Facebook. If you are guilty of any of the above items, (and lets be honest, we probably all have been at one point or another), it’s imperative to fix these items immediately. I mean, one of the many great things about Facebook is how quickly information on your page can be changed. And heck, it was the fact that it is so easy to operate in the first place that got you into trouble. Changes are super easy to make. MySpace Tom’s endearing friendship with each users just wasn’t enough to overcome Facebook’s eases of use. With that being said, who wasn’t a little sad parting ways with MySpace Tom?
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